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Gum Disease Treatment

in Fort Worth, TX

Do your gums sometimes bleed when you brush or floss your teeth? Have you noticed any redness or swelling? If so, call us today! Healthy gums should not bleed with normal brushing and flossing, and healthy gums are essential for maintaining a healthy smile. At Everlasting Dentistry, we emphasize the importance of prompt gum disease treatment to prevent the condition from progressing with devastating impacts on your smile. We invite you to visit our Fort Worth office to get your gum health back on track.

Portrait of beautiful plus size woman in the park

What Is Gum Disease?

Gum disease or periodontal disease is a serious, progressive condition affecting the gums, bones, and soft tissues supporting your teeth. It usually results from plaque buildup on your teeth and below the gum line. If not removed by regular brushing and flossing, plaque can harden into tartar, leading to more severe gum irritation and inflammation.

Gingivitis is the earliest stage of gum disease. Signs of gingivitis include red, swollen, or bleeding gums. Without prompt treatment and good oral hygiene practices, gingivitis can progress to periodontitis. The gums will start pulling away from your teeth, creating pockets that can trap plaque, bacteria, and food debris. These pockets provide harmful oral bacteria an ideal environment to thrive. As the condition progresses, the inflammation and infection can destroy the bone and tissue holding your teeth in place, which can lead to loose teeth, pain, an abscess, and even tooth loss.

Aside from your oral health, studies show a link between gum disease and a range of serious health conditions. These include heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and even pregnancy complications. Maintaining healthy gums can contribute to your overall health.

Treating gum disease usually starts with a non-surgical “deep” cleaning known as scaling and root planing. Scaling involves gently removing any plaque or tartar deposits from your teeth and beneath the gum line. Next is root planing, which involves carefully cleaning and smoothing your tooth root surfaces to discourage further buildup of bacteria and tartar and encourage the gum tissues to reattach to the clean tooth surfaces.

Depending on your needs, we may recommend local antibiotic treatment with ARESTIN. We place the medication directly into the inflamed pockets, where it slowly releases over time. ARESTIN treatment is particularly beneficial for patients with persistent or severe periodontal pockets, as it enhances the healing process and reduces pocket depth more effectively than scaling and root planing alone.

Our experienced team may also recommend laser therapy. Our cutting-edge dental laser uses specific wavelengths of light to target and eliminate harmful bacteria below your gumline, decontaminating your gingival pockets. Laser therapy has been shown to lower the risk of bleeding, gum inflammation and recession, and even tooth loss.

After periodontal disease treatment, we typically recommend periodontal maintenance visits every 3-4 months to maintain your gum health. During your appointments, we will clean your teeth, evaluate your gum health, and provide any necessary interventions to prevent your gum disease from progressing. An essential component of any periodontal maintenance plan is meticulous home oral hygiene. Our team will work with you to ensure your gums stay as healthy as possible.


How We Help You Relax During Treatment

Your comfort and well-being are always our topmost priorities at Everlasting Dentistry. We are happy to offer strong numbing gels to ensure a comfortable treatment experience. We are also pleased to offer nitrous oxide (laughing gas), as needed, to help you relax during treatment.

Why Choose Everlasting Dentistry?

At Everlasting Dentistry, we are committed to providing a unique dental experience with lasting results. We take pride in creating a warm and inviting environment where you and your family feel comfortable and at ease. We offer exclusive in-office amenities and use the latest technology and techniques to provide the highest quality care and a truly extraordinary patient experience.

Our patient-centered team celebrates the uniqueness of every smile. We take the time to listen to your concerns and personalize your treatments, recommending the most conservative solutions for healthy, beautiful smiles. At Everlasting Dentistry, we strive to provide our valued patients with a dental experience that is as enduring as it is exceptional.

Gum Disease Treatment
Near Me in Fort Worth, TX

Contact Everlasting Dentistry to take control of your gum health today. Our dedicated dentist and team will work alongside you to keep your gums as healthy as possible. Your smile deserves the best care, and we are here to provide it with compassion and expertise. We invite you to call us at 817-214-3333 or visit us online to request an appointment today!